How fast can a Rodriguez e-bike legally go?
You can actually ride the bike as fast as you can make it go. The motor can only help you to a certain speed though. 750 watts (the motor we are using) is the maximum power rating for a bicycle motor that doesn't have to be registered as a motorcycle. The question is: How fast can you go with the motor helping you?
The motor would be capable of a whole lot of speed, but for bicycles there are some laws that we need to follow. We can set the bike up in 2 different configurations. 'Assist' only, or 'assist + throttle'.
Assist only - up to 28mph If we set it up for 'assist' only, then the motor only engages when you are pedaling (there is no throttle). It adds power to your pedaling all the way up to 28mph (after that, it's up to your legs). In the state of Washington, that is the maximum motor assist before it's considered a motorcycle.
Assist + Throttle - up to 20mph
If we set it up with a throttle, then it can be ridden like a motorcycle. You don't have to pedal at all if you don't want to, you simply apply the throttle and it goes. (This works amazingly well with the Shift-E automatic system as well). The down side to this set up is that we have to limit the motor 'help' to 20mph by law.
If you want to read the full story for Washington State law in regards to eBikes, here's the link.