Bodyfloat Seat Post
At R+E Cycles
(206) 527-4822
Now you can ride in comfort and quiet while sitting on your bicycle seat. "Surely you jest!" you're thinking to yourself right now, but I'm not. Let me fill you in on the secret we've discovered.
Suspension seat posts have a long history, but most people think of them like we did....only worth using on the back of a tandem. That was before the Bodyfloat seat post.
If you would like to make a comfort upgrade to your bicycle that really works, and is high performance, this article is for you. Let me take you on a short journey into the world of suspension seat posts and show you where it is now.
The first designs were to try to make the seat post into a shock absorber. While a few of these seat posts were somewhat effective, they were not really the kind of product that anyone wanted to use on a high performance single bike. They were heavy, and only provided some 'emergency' relief for that 'whoops I forgot to warn you on that one' situations. They basically worked like a pogo stick built into the seat post. One problem with this design is that your seat tube is at an angle (usually 73° from the ground or so), but gravity is trying to pull your body down at a 90° angle. This creates a lot of what's been called 'stiction'. Basically, the shock absorber is stuck in place until you hit something violent enough to break it free. When it breaks free, it drops, but then returns with great force (like a pogo stick). Kind of a delayed reaction with a slightly dampened energy return. In the absence of any other designs, these were used for several years.
You still see these seat posts all over on 'comfort bikes'. They are very inexpensive these days, but don't really work very well.
Even with their imperfections, we were limited to use these for the stoker positions of many tandems. Some people used them on single bikes, but like I said, these designs were not very high performance. For those who wanted something incredible, the wait was almost over. In 2013, the answer would arrive in the form of the Bodyfloat.
In 2013, one of the guys who worked on the design for the original Alsop Softride beam visited our shop. He brought with him a new seat post design that he was very excited about, the Bodyfloat. He did a demonstration install/setup for Scott (our shop manager) on his personal bike. It was near closing time, so Scott rode the bike home with the post in it, and then he rode it back in the next morning. He said to me "I'm buying that seat post, and leaving it on my bike!" That's a testament to the performance of this new post. Scott has ridden every suspension post available, and never thought he wanted one on his personal commuter. This post changed his mind.
The Bodyfloat works on a different principal than all other suspension seat posts before it. Instead of having a falling rate design, it has a 'rising rate' design. The Bodyfloat springs are lighter at the top, and gradually get stiffer as the seat drops. No more having to lift your self off the seat to raise the seat back to start position. It also drops just slightly as your weight sits onto the post like the old Softride beam design did. The wheels can drop in and out of bumps while you, the rider, stays stationary in space.
I have since installed one on my bike and had the same experience as Scott. I will keep it on my bike, and I'm considering installing one on the Captain position of my tandem as well. It's amazing how I can only hear the bike hitting the small bumps and cracks in the road, but I do not feel them anymore. I have to say, I'm impressed!
I can talk until the cows come home, but maybe you should just come to the shop and try one for yourself. Give us a call at (206)-527-4822 and set up a time to come by with your bike and your riding gear. We'd be happy to set one up for a test ride.
"But...but...wait! I ordered one online and it's not set up for me."
If you've already ordered one online, or from someone eles who didn't set it up for you, no need to worry. We can set it up for you for just $25. Just call us for an appointment.